Friday, 1 June 2012

Spectacular Effects of Marijuana

Marijuana is a five- leaf plant and the drug which is prepared with the help of this plant has been clinically named as cannabis. This drug has been classified under Schedule I drugs meaning that it cannot be prescribed by physicians until they have a legal license for doing so. Only the legally licensed marijuana doctors can prescribe this drug and similarly only those dispensaries which are legally authorized have the right to sell and distribute medical cannabis. The reason why so many precautions are taken for this drug is that there are some negative effects of marijuana including depression, hallucination, stimulation, over excitement etc. But as more and more research is going on this drug, the good facts about positive effects of marijuana are getting revealed.

One of the recent research shows that cannabis can help in slowing down the process of formation of plaque. It also helps in the prevention of this disease. One of the alarming positive effects of marijuana is that when this drug is smoked separately, that is, without tobacco or anything, it acts as a strong protection against lung cancer. One of the good effects of marijuana is that it also reduces the formation of certain proteins which are culpable for memory impairment. A research done in California has revealed some more advantageous effects of marijuana. It says that cannabis contains a chemical called cannabinol. This cannabinol is an effective chemical for the treatment of breast cancer.

Other positive effects of marijuana include benefits for the patients of AIDS. We all know that these patients go through an unbearable neuropathic pain. This neuropathic pain can be reduced with the help of smoking marijuana among these patients. The AIDS patients also complain about poor appetite problem. This problem can also be solved with the help of medical cannabis. The cannabis results in increased and improved appetite and this increased level of hunger is good for patients.


Anonymous said...

awesome discoveries!! I feel that a few issues in my family genes have been significantly reduced as a threat to myself. I suffer however from high levels of enxiety and MMJ has helped me significantly in the day to day struggle. I am interested more about the "help in slowing down the process of formation of plaque" is this reguarding heart plaque in arteries? Please let me know, my father whom I believe to have been a sufferer of the same issues I have just passed away recently from a heart attack. Go figure us being such big guys we have abnormally thin heart valves. keeping my heart valves clear is obviously important to me. If this is true, I'd like to know.

Unknown said...

Marijuana, is a drug preparation from the plant Cannabis and it is helpful for the cure of many diseases like HIV, Cancer etc.
hawaii medical marijuana

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